I’m super crazy busy right now (and eternally, it feels), so I grab moments of bliss when I can. One thing that made me really happy last weekend when I was in San Francisco was vegetables prepared well.
Saturday, we were meandering around the Mission District, popping into thrift stores and antique stores, when we felt peckish. Dinner was a few hours away, and we spied a free table for two outside Pizzeria Delfinia. There we partook of beer, breadsticks, and (be still my beating heart) the daily special appetizer of braised collard greens with peppers. Delizioso! We also shared some fresh-stretched mozzarella, served with arugula and toasted bread.
At our proper evening meal at Bar Tartine, we enjoyed a progression of dishes, starting with mustard greens, moving on to smoked potatoes and progressing to curried carrots. Last to arrive was an amazing half-chicken served on toast and braised chard. The vegetables were so delicious that we could have done without the chicken…although that was delicious, too.
I’m already looking forward to another SF trip we have planned for September!