Nutrition Counseling2024-10-11T15:35:27-07:00

Are you looking for help with how to eat to help manage a current health condition or reduce your risk of a future one?

How would it will feel to:

  • Know that you are making the right choices for YOU, even in the face of confusing, and sometimes even conflicting, health and nutrition information (and “opinions” from, well, everyone)?
  • Make decisions about nutrition, physical activity and self-care that are driven by what satisfies you, brings you joy, feels good to your body and fits into your life?
  • Be supported in focusing on behaviors, not the number on the scale, when it comes to health?
  • Gain a deeper understanding of what factors contribute to your health concerns, including which ones you can’t control and which ones you can?
  • Trust your body’s wisdom + the solid nutrition science, rather than falling for wellness influencers or trying to read between the lines when your doctor tosses out vague nutrition “advice” as they’re slipping out of the exam room at the end of your visit?
  • Get a handle on which daily actions you should prioritize to meet your health goals (and which actions are “nice, but not necessary”)?
  • Start to shed feelings of guilt or shame that you aren’t “doing enough” for your health?

Nutrition Counseling Services

My approach to nutrition and health is grounded in the best nutrition science and based on a holistic view of health that considers both mind and body. It combines in-depth 1-on-1 counseling for your specific health concerns + between-session chat message access for additional support.

What I can help you with:

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • Pre-conception nutrition
  • Menopausal transition
  • Osteopenia and osteoporosis
  • Celiac disease
  • Digestive issues (note, if you have irritable bowel syndrome — aka IBS — I have a specific program for that)
  • High blood sugar
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol (total and LDL) or triglycerides (or low HDL cholesterol)
  • Cancer survivorship
  • Getting strong and nourished for an upcoming surgery
  • Disordered eating (my Food & Body Program may be a better fit)
  • Binge eating disorder (my Food & Body Program may be a better fit)
  • Maintaining eating disorder recovery (my Food & Body Program may be a better fit)
  • Meal planning, shopping and balanced eating

What clients say:

“Carrie is non-judgmental and her ability to listen is exceptional.” — Carol T.

“From my work with Carrie, I now understand the wide breadth of what it means to have a healthy lifestyle.” — Miriam R.

“She has space for the tough issues, supported by her wealth of knowledge & expertise.” — Amanda F.

“Carrie has helped me lay the groundwork to have a healthy mind-body relationship and lifestyle.” — Naomi W.

“She is compassionate, empathetic, and understanding and I highly recommend her program.” — Nikki F.

“I was floundering with conflicting health information and experiencing an increase in various health concerns. During my work with Carrie, I learned to trust myself, challenge my self-critical thinking and stop trying to control and structure my eating and exercise in a way that did not make me feel good physically or psychologically.”

Susan C.

“Carrie helped me understand so much more about myself, and my health — way beyond food and exercise. Thanks to Carrie’s educational resources and gentle input, my understanding of whole body, whole person health has evolved to a place where I feel more at peace with myself. Now I know how to eat well for me…I like this evolved version of myself because I spend far less time focusing on rigid food and exercise requirements. Instead, I invest my energy in being present, enjoying time with my family, and connecting with my friends.”

Nicole F.

What’s included (the nuts & bolts)?

Initial Session (75 minutes) 

In this video or phone session, we’ll take a deep dive into…

  • Your personal and family health history…
  • Your current eating patterns and self-care habits…
  • Your current and past social and family environments…

…and how they have influenced your health and your relationship with food today. You will leave with a better understanding of yourself, as well as initial steps to help you start creating a healthier, more balanced relationship with nutrition and self-care.

3, 5, or 7 Follow-Up Sessions (45 minutes, every other week)

We’ll meet every other week to continue exploring your food and health history as I help you build sustainable new habits, unpack limiting beliefs, replace self-judgment with curiosity and self-compassion, and take practical steps towards better self-care. We can …

  • Continue a discussion from the previous session, or we can …
  • Talk about something else you want to learn or are struggling with.

Ultimately, you are in charge.

Before each follow up you will fill out a quick check-in form online. This allows you to reflect on your successes and challenges — and allows me to tailor our upcoming session to support you!

After each session, I’ll send you personalized recommendations based on our discussion.

Support Between Sessions

Most of your life happens between sessions, and consistent support is so important in helping you reach your health goals.

That’s why you’ll have access to me outside of our sessions via chat messaging to support you through any questions or challenges that come up, no matter where you are or what you’re doing, thanks to the free smartphone app that comes with this program!

Examples of reasons you might need support between sessions:

  • You need to vent about comments from a loved one about your eating habits.
  • You’re nervous about an upcoming doctor’s visit or lab work.
  • You’re experiencing feelings of deprivation with your new way of eating.
  • You want to share an “aha!” moment or a win.
  • You have a question.
  • Or…you just need a little encouragement (I’m totally willing to be the cheerleader in your back pocket…literally, if that’s where you keep your phone!).

You’ll also have access to an (optional) online food & mood journal, and if it’s helpful to you, I can offer feedback and suggestions.

BONUS: My book, mailed to your doorstep

To help support the work we’re doing in our sessions, if you sign up for my 4-month Nutrition Counseling package, as a “thank you” I’ll send you the new, revised, updated and expanded version of my book, “Healthy For Your Life: A Non-Diet Approach to Optimal Well-Being.”

What’s included (the nuts & bolts)?

Initial Session (75 minutes) 

In this video or phone session, we’ll take a deep dive into…

  • Your personal and family health history…
  • Your current eating patterns and self-care habits…
  • Your current and past social and family environments…

…and how they have influenced your health and your relationship with food today. You will leave with a better understanding of yourself, as well as initial steps to help you start creating a healthier, more balanced relationship with nutrition and self-care.

3, 5, or 7 Follow-Up Sessions (45 minutes, every other week)

We’ll meet every other week to continue exploring your food and health history as I help you build sustainable new habits, unpack limiting beliefs, replace self-judgment with curiosity and self-compassion, and take practical steps towards better self-care. We can …

  • Continue a discussion from the previous session, or we can …
  • Talk about something else you want to learn or are struggling with.

Ultimately, you are in charge.

Before each follow up you will fill out a quick check-in form online. This allows you to reflect on your successes and challenges — and allows me to tailor our upcoming session to support you!

After each session, I’ll send you personalized recommendations based on our discussion.

Support Between Sessions

Most of your life happens between sessions, and consistent support is so important in helping you reach your health goals.

That’s why you’ll have access to me outside of our sessions via chat messaging to support you through any questions or challenges that come up, no matter where you are or what you’re doing, thanks to the free smartphone app that comes with this program!

Examples of reasons you might need support between sessions:

  • You need to vent about comments from a loved one about your eating habits.
  • You’re nervous about an upcoming doctor’s visit or lab work.
  • You’re experiencing feelings of deprivation with your new way of eating.
  • You want to share an “aha!” moment or a win.
  • You have a question.
  • Or…you just need a little encouragement (I’m totally willing to be the cheerleader in your back pocket…literally, if that’s where you keep your phone!).

You’ll also have access to an (optional) online food & mood journal, and if it’s helpful to you, I can offer feedback and suggestions.

BONUS: My book, mailed to your doorstep

To help support the work we’re doing in our sessions, if you sign up for my 4-month Nutrition Counseling package, as a “thank you” I’ll send you the new, revised, updated and expanded version of my book, “Healthy For Your Life: A Non-Diet Approach to Optimal Well-Being.”

Program Summary

  • 1:1 coaching sessions every other week
  • Unlimited chat messaging support between sessions
  • Curated resources to support your goals
  • My book mailed right to your door (4-month program only)
  • Optional journal feedback

Program Investment

2-Month Program (4 sessions) $420/month

3-Month Program (6 sessions) $400/month

4-Month Program (8 sessions) $390/month

As a small business owner, I always appreciate being paid in full up front. If you have the resources to pay in full, as a “thank you” I will apply 10% towards a scholarship fund for clients who are financially challenged.

Program Investment

2-Month Program (4 sessions) $420/month

3-Month Program (6 sessions) $400/month

4-Month Program (8 sessions) $390/month

As a small business owner, I always appreciate being paid in full up front. If you have the resources to pay in full, as a “thank you” I will apply 10% towards a scholarship fund for clients who are financially challenged.

My Approach & Philosophy

I am a weight-inclusive, anti-diet dietitian who is trauma-, social justice- and Health At Every Size-informed. I believe that all bodies are worthy of care and respect, just as they are. As a certified Intuitive Eating counselor and a licensed Be Body Positive facilitator, I aim to help you feel more confident and empowered, and to help you break free of food and body obsession — and opression. I see my role as a guide, facilitator and sounding board, because YOU are the ultimate expert on yourself. I’ll collaborate with you to develop an individualized plan for nourishing yourself with food and self-care while providing a safe, supportive, non-judgmental environment for you to talk about your food and body concerns.

Ready? (Or think you might be?)

I’d love to chat with you. Click on the button below to book a 20-minute Nutrition Consult so we can talk about your current health concerns, the vision you have for your health, and how I can help you get there. We’ll talk about what’s worked (or not worked) for you in the past, and I can answer any questions about my program that aren’t covered in the FAQ below!

Frequently Asked Questions

You can ask me questions about the program and how I work during our 20-minute Nutrition Consult (or email me via the “Contact Me” link below the FAQ), but you might find the answer to your question below!

Q: Will you give me a meal plan?2023-07-31T15:08:20-07:00

A: The short answer is no, because meal plans prepared by someone else (even me!) are not a real solution. The longer answer is that I would be happy to help you learn to meal plan, because it is a good skill to have, especially if you’re busy, trying to minimize trips to the grocery store, or trying to minimize food waste.

Q: Can you help me lose weight? (or, Will I lose weight?)2023-07-31T15:06:00-07:00

A: I’m an anti-diet dietitian, which means I don’t help people pursue weight loss because it has an extremely low rate of long-term “success.” However, I absolutely don’t judge people for wanting to lose weight, given the fatphobic society we live in. What I will do is talk to you about your goals and desired health outcomes, and what you hope or expect to happen as a result of weight loss (for example, more energy or stamina, better bloodwork, greater body acceptance). I can then offer you support and guidance to make changes and build habits that directly focus on those things.

Q: Do you accept insurance?2023-07-31T14:50:56-07:00

A: No, for a variety of reasons that I won’t bore you with! However, I am a licensed dietitian in Oregon, and a certified dietitian in Washington state, and while I’m out-of-network with insurance, if you live in one of those states I can provide you with a “superbill” (aka an itemized receipt), so you can seek partial reimbursement from your insurance company, Healthcare Savings Account (HSA), or company wellness program. Contact your insurance company to learn more about this process.

It is important to know that superbills can NOT be generated for any Medicare, Medicaid, Medicare Advantage or Medicare + Supplement plans due to Medicare CMS regulations. For all other insurance plans there is no guarantee that they will pay any portion of the superbill, and also no guarantee any payments will “count” towards annual plan or out-of-network deductibles. Superbills may or may not qualify for submission to individual HSAs.


Q: Can I pay for just one nutrition counseling session with you?2023-07-31T15:19:25-07:00

A: When you’re trying to manage or prevent a health condition, it takes time to form new eating and lifestyle habits that will work for you long-term. That’s why I ask my nutrition counseling clients to commit to working with me for a minimum of four sessions.

Q: What are your credentials?2023-07-31T15:02:40-07:00

I am a nationally registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) who is certified (CD) in Washington State and licensed (LD) in Oregon. I have my masters of public health (MPH) degree in nutritional sciences from the University of Washington. I’m also a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and a licensed Be Body Positive facilitator.

I also have completed training on dietary management of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) with the low-FODMAP diet through Monash University in Australia, the leading research center on the low-FODMAP diet. I’ve also sought out additional professional training on trauma-informed care, neurodivergence, anti-racism, and social justice.

Q: Are you LGBTQ-friendly?2023-07-31T15:00:39-07:00


Have another question? Contact me.

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