Are you a dietitian who needs an editor or copywriter? A writing coach? Guidance on taking your practice from weight-centric to weight inclusive?

Writing and Editing for Dietitians

You’ve put time and care into building your nutrition knowledge and creating your unique service offerings, but how are you at communicating that in writing? The process of creating professional and useful marketing copy, blog posts or books isn’t something that comes easily to everyone.

Whether you’re struggling to communicate your ideas in words effectively, or you have too much on your plate and would rather outsource these aspects of your business, I can help. Using my combined skills as an experienced writer/editor and an RDN, I can provide you with the copy writing and editing assistance you need to take your written words — or your ideas for those written words — to the next level.

I can help you with:

  • Website copy
  • Marketing materials (brochures, flyers, letters, email campaigns, etc.)
  • Patient education materials
  • Practice documents
  • Newsletters
  • Blog posts
  • Articles
  • E-books
  • Print books

Types of editing available:

  • Proofreading (punctuation, spelling, typos)
  • Light editing (the above plus grammar and sentence structure/syntax)
  • Heavy editing (all of the above plus organizational restructuring to facilitate clarity of your information)

Need writing or editing help? Book a free 15-minute Exploration Call, or contact me!

Writing Coaching for Dietitians

Do you enjoy writing but wish you were a bit better at it? I’m often asked how I became a good writer, and while my main answer is practice, practice, practice (I was a journalist for two decades before I became a dietitian). While all of my practice has honed my personal writing skills, it’s also given me insights into the elements of being a good writer.

I help newbie dietitian-writers infuse some of those elements into their own writing on a faster track than just figuring it out themselves over time. I can also help RD writers figure out what habits and strategies can help their words flow on to the page more easily, so writing feels more joyful, less like a grinding of the mental gears.

What we might cover in coaching sessions:

  • Constructive, compassionate critiquing of existing or in-progress writing.
  • Evaluation of current writing habits (including what’s working and what’s not).
  • Counseling around writer’s block or imposter syndrome.
  • Tips for organizing articles or other pieces of writing.
  • How to handle feedback from editors.
  • How to develop your voice as a writer.
  • How to communicate research findings to the public.

Need help taking your writing to the next level? Click here to learn more and book a free 15-minute Exploration Call.

Supervision/Consulting for Dietitians

Are you stuck in a weight-centric rut with your private practice or your outpatient job? Whether you’re currently offering weight loss services or finding yourself in the icky, fence-straddling middle (with one foot in the weight loss world and the other foot in the intuitive eating, non-diet world), if you want to move away from offering or supporting intentional weight loss but aren’t sure what exactly what that might mean or look like, I can help…because I was there.

I started grad school to become a dietitian when I was still fully immersed in diet culture, personally. I was sure that when I graduated, I was going to help my patients lose weight, too! Despite most of my public health and dietetics curriculum being weight centric, I learned enough about weight science to suspect that my initial career goal wasn’t an ethical path.

As a newly minted RDN, I bumbled along as a fence straddler by offering outpatient “non-diet weight management.” It felt increasingly wrong and, yes, unethical, and I had profound guilt — until I learned that fence straddling was really common and rarely talked about. (I talk about this with Christy Harrison on episode #194 of the Food Psych podcast.)

Well, we need to talk about it. And we need to get to a place where we feel we are offering ethical care. If you could use help, support, and maybe some gentle nudges to get over to the anti-diet, weight inclusive side of the fence, let’s do some good work together.

Examples of what we might discuss in our sessions:

  • Navigating weight centrism in inpatient and outpatient job settings.
  • When to “plant seeds” and when to have more direct conversations.
  • How to move towards a non-diet approach when you have limits in your current job.
  • Figuring out when it’s time to shift to private practice.
  • How to talk to patients/clients about weight loss when you no longer offer that service.
  • How to reflect on past harms you may have done, with self-compassion.
  • How to identify holes and limitations in your current knowledge of weight inclusiveness (again, with self-compassion).
  • Your comfort level with bringing social justice into your dietetics work.

Seeking supervision on your anti-diet, weight-inclusive journey? Book a free 15-minute Exploration Call, or contact me.

Carrie Dennett, MPH, RDN, is a Pacific Northwest-based registered dietitian nutritionist, journalist, intuitive eating counselor, author, and speaker. Her superpowers include busting nutrition myths and empowering women to feel better in their bodies and make food choices that support pleasure, nutrition and health. This post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute individualized nutrition or medical advice.

Seeking 1-on-1 nutrition counseling? Learn more about her Food & Body, IBS management, and nutrition counseling programs, and book a free intro call to see if the program is a good fit, and if we’re a good fit!

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