About Carrie Dennett, MPH, RDN, CD

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So far Carrie Dennett, MPH, RDN, CD has created 912 blog entries.

‘Stomach bug’ won’t go away? It could be post-infectious IBS

2024-12-27T15:16:29-08:00By |

If you’ve ever had a bout of food poisoning, traveler’s diarrhea or the “stomach flu,” only to have some of symptoms stick around for the long haul, what may not have crossed your mind is that you suddenly developed irritable bowel syndrome.

Let’s bust some myths about carbohydrates and health

2024-10-31T13:41:29-07:00By |

Carbs have been getting a bad rap for quite a while. But carbohydrates come from plants, and many plant foods are rich in the vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and fiber that are vital to good health. In spite of this, carb-phobia persists. Here are some of the myths about carbohydrates that are getting in the way.

Is your attitude getting in the way of habit change?

2024-09-24T09:50:59-07:00By |

We often approach habit change with the wrong attitude. We criticize ourselves. We strive for “perfect” instead of “good enough.” We try to make changes that someone else says we should make, without really taking the time to decide what WE want. All of that is a recipe for failure.

Awareness is your superpower. No cape or spandex suit required.

2024-08-27T16:48:47-07:00By |

Becoming more aware of your thoughts, feelings and emotions gives you more choice in the actions you take. This has two important benefits. One, it allows you to stop living on autopilot so you can begin to unhook from habitual, unhelpful patterns. Two, it makes it easier to respond rather than react to whatever's happening in you and around you.

What is weight-inclusive care? And why it is the best way to care for ALL bodies?

2024-08-12T13:17:11-07:00By |

Weight-inclusive care is an approach that assumes that patients of all weights are capable of achieving health and wellbeing if they have access to non‐stigmatizing health care. This approach also challenges the belief that a particular BMI reflects a particular set of health behaviors, health status, or moral character.

How intuitive eating can help make the holidays brighter

2024-03-13T09:45:28-07:00By |

Once upon a time, holiday foods stood out as highlights in a year of relatively simpler fare. But in today’s food environment, with its year-round access to delicious and even indulgent foods, it’s as if the holiday season has upped the ante, making the holidays feel like a minefield.

How to tell if your diet is really disordered eating

2024-03-13T09:45:33-07:00By |

Dieting to lose weight (even under the guise of “lifestyle changes”) is so normalized in our culture that it indeed feels normal. And if it’s “normal” it must be OK…right? Let me break this to you gently — not only can dieting lead to disordered eating, but in many cases, dieting IS disordered eating.

Self-care tips for when life feels especially stressful

2024-03-13T09:45:36-07:00By |

Self-care is extra important in times of uncertainty. I’m always an advocate of physical and emotional self-care, because if you don’t take care of yourself, who will? So here's some food for thought, as well as some self-care tips for creating or refining an overall self-care practice that’s right for you.

Why mindful eating isn’t ‘careful’ or ‘mind full’ eating

2024-03-13T09:45:40-07:00By |

There are always spikes in interest in mindful eating around this time of the year. Unfortunately, much of that spike is because diet culture has tried to co-opt mindful eating for its own devices. In the process, it has twisted mindful eating into “careful” eating and “mind full” eating.

Want to be healthier in 2023? Fire your inner drill sergeant

2024-03-13T09:45:42-07:00By |

Can self-compassion improve your health? Yes. Numerous research studies have shown that self-compassion is important for mental and emotional health and well-being. While that’s not super surprising, this may be: newer research is also finding that self-compassion is important for physical health.

What do ‘non-diet,’ ‘anti-diet’ and Health at Every Size® mean?

2024-03-13T09:45:44-07:00By |

Non-diet, anti-diet, Health at Every Size (HAES) — these terms are showing up more and more in books, magazines, blogs and social media. I hear a lot of questions about what these terms even mean, along with, “Everyone eats some type of diet, so how can anyone be ‘anti-diet’?”

Need a recipe that screams summer? Make a batch of ratatouille

2024-03-13T09:45:49-07:00By |

There are certain Mediterranean dishes that just scream "summer" and ratatouille is one of them, although honestly this dish will work any time of year, even if the staple ingredients—eggplant, zucchini and tomatoes—are not in season. I enjoy making a big batch that I can eat for days, especially when it's too hot to want to cook every evening.

Is eating without restrictions really different from binge eating?

2024-03-13T09:45:49-07:00By |

The good news is that eating with permission and without restrictions doesn’t have to translate to a food free-for-all. It also does not mean trading control for binge eating. At least not for very long. But how you approach trading restriction for permission may matter.

Being a dietitian doesn’t make me the food police

2024-03-13T09:45:58-07:00By |

It’s a refrain I hear a little too often: “I just need someone to tell me what to eat.” In today’s age of rampant nutrition confusion, I sort of get it—but I'm not your boss, I'm not your mother, and I'm definitely not the food police! As adults, we need to develop the skills necessary to make decisions about the things that are important to our health and happiness.

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