I haven’t had time to do much cooking for, oh, the last two years. As my dietetic internship draws nearer to completion (six more weeks!) I find myself staring longingly at my shelves of cookbooks, and considering renewing my long-expired subscription to Cook’s Illustrated.
I had a little free time (!) on my hands last night, so I whipped up one of my favorite recipes with coconut oil as an ingredient, Black Pepper Tempeh from Heidi Swanson’s Super Natural Every Day, which is one of my favorite cookbooks. In fact, last time my inlaws were here, they forced asked me to chose a favorite, and after hyperventilating for a moment (choose just one?!) I went with Heidi.
I first blogged about the recipe (which was my initial foray into tempeh) more than two years ago, and it’s still a household favorite recipe. One of the things I love about it (other than than the fact that it’s delicious and nutritious) is that ut’s a vegetarian recipe, but carnivores like it too!