Happy Monday! I’m home from the Renfrew Conference, which was just as amazing as it was last year. Knowledgeable presenters, great information and a wonderful vibe. It’s also small enough that there is a good chance you’ll run into some of the same people multiple times: in educational sessions, at meals, perusing the book sale tables. I had some amazing, deeply enriching conversations.
I’m still processing all the information I took in from presenters and other attendees, so I’m holding off on my first real Renfrew post until tomorrow. In the meantime, I want to share a quote from the first presentation I attended, given by Beth L. Haessig, PsyD, and Kate Holt, RN. The topic was body-centered, or somatic, psychotherapy, and part of the presentation discussed our tendency to develop and idealized self-image that is impossible to attain or maintain, thus separating us from our true, lovable selves. Your idealized self image is your own brand of perfectionism, and:

Perfectionism is self-abuse of the highest order.

More on perfectionism and body image tomorrow.