Even if you have Zoom fatigue, you can still listen to stuff, right? And now that we’ve waved buh-bye to winter and welcomed spring’s (sometimes) warm embrace, odds are you’ll be outdoors more. And needing stuff to listen to. Fancy some non-diet podcasts?
The number of non-diet podcasts on my “to listen” list is neck-in-neck with the books in my “to read” pile. (I’ll get through them, someday.) But while I’ve subscribed to a LOT of podcasts, these are the five that I listen to and recommend the most.

“Food Psych” by Christy Harrison, MPH, RD
Always and forever. “Food Psych” — a podcast about intuitive eating, Health at Every Size, and body liberation — is my go-to for listening and recommending. I was a listener before I ever met Christy, but having interviewed her for a number of articles and chatted with her at conferences in pre-pandemic times, I know that not only does she know her stuff, but she’s a lovely human.
I was a guest on Episode #194 (“The Truth About Weight-Loss ‘Success Stories'”). The podcast just went on hiatus while Christy writes her second book (I reviewed her first book, “Anti-Diet” for The Seattle Times), so now’s a great time to dive into her archives without feeling the need to also keep up with new episodes. Other episode highlights: #261 with Sabrina Strings (author of “The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia”), #259 with Lindo Bacon (author of “Body Respect” and “Radical Belonging“), and #261 with Evelyn Tribole (co-author of “Intuitive Eating“).

“Willing To Be Wrong” with Joshua Wolrich, MD
It’s not often I start a podcast from the beginning, but Wolrich, a surgical doctor with the NHS in the UK who’s working on a master’s degree in nutrition, just dropped Episode 4, so there’s zero “where should I start?” overwhelm. The title “Willing To Be Wrong” comes from his willingness to accept that what he learned about weight in medical school was wrong. He’s now weight-inclusive and Health at Every Size aligned. In addition to taking on weight stigma, he also takes on what he calls “nutribollocks” (aka nutrition BS).
I’ve enjoyed all the episodes (even if I also get mad at the fatphobia his guests have endured). However, if you have ever had to deal with weight biased treatment from a doctor, I recommend starting with Episode #3 with Amanda Lee. Amanda is a young woman from California who recently went to a GI specialist because of horrible intestinal cramping that left her almost unable to eat. The doctor, who clearly saw only her weight, responded to her concerns by saying, “Well, maybe that’s not such a bad thing” about the not-eating part.
Amanda fortunately found another GI doc who saw her as a human being with symptoms that needed to be taken seriously. It turned out that she has colon cancer. It was a huge tumor that was causing her symptoms. I just checked her Instagram feed (@mandapaints), and she is having surgery as I type this.

“Body Kindness” with Rebecca Scritchfield, RD
As with Christy, Rebecca knows her sh*t and she’s a fabulous human. I’ve been on her show and traveled with her internationally (OK, to Canada) to speak at a weight stigma conference. Rebecca has amazing guests on “Body Kindness,” a few recent favorites are #170 with Sonja Renee Taylor (author of “The Body Is Not An Apology“) and #165 with Drs. Lindsay and Lexi Kite (founders of Beauty Redefined and authors of “More Than A Body“).
P.S. Rebecca’s book “Body Kindness” is awesome as well!

“Maintenance Phase” with Aubrey Gordon and Michael Hobbes
Aubrey Gordon, who until recently went by the nom de plume Your Fat Friend, has a new book (“What We Don’t Talk About When We Talk About Fat“) and a new podcast. Her “Maintenance Phase” co-host is Michael Hobbes, who wrote the AMAZING HuffPo article “Everything You Know About Obesity is Wrong.”
I don’t have a clear favorite episode…I’ve enjoyed each that I’ve listened to. They’ve taken on topics from the President’s Physical Fitness Test (ugh…remember those?) to Snackwell’s Cookies to Dr. Oz to Weight Watchers.

“Ten Percent Happier” with Dan Harris
While this one may not seem obvious for a list of non-diet podcasts have benefitted hugely from listening to “Ten Percent Happier,” and so have many of my clients. Dan Harris is a journalist and anchor with ABC news who wrote a book about his surprising (to him) path to mindfulness meditation, which lead to a meditation app and podcast of the same name.
With three episodes per week there is something for everyone, but my favorite episodes (and the once I recommend the most), are #219 with Kelly McGonigal on making and breaking habits, #220 with Evelyn Tribole (really an AMAZING episode), and #309 and #310 on self-compassion (especially perfect if you feel like self-compassion is woo-woo or doesn’t apply to you).

Bonus: “Food Heaven” with Wendy Lopez, MS, RD, and Jessica Jones, MS, RD
OK. I couldn’t stop at five. I finally started listening to the “Food Heaven” podcast a few months ago, and really appreciate the viewpoints of these two best friends and registered dietitians. It has to be said: most dietitians working in the Health at Every Size, intuitive eating and body acceptance space are white, and even with a diverse roster of guests, we need more diversity in podcast hosts.
Topics have included joyful movement for people who don’t like exercise, why Black people don’t trust doctors, how to let go of clothes that no longer fit and embrace those that do, how to feed your kids without losing your mind, embracing aging, and…fibroids.
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Carrie Dennett, MPH, RDN, is a Pacific Northwest-based registered dietitian nutritionist, journalist, intuitive eating counselor, author, and speaker. Her superpowers include busting nutrition myths and empowering women and men to feel better in their bodies and make food choices that support pleasure, nutrition and health. This post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute individualized nutrition or medical advice.
Seeking 1-on-1 nutrition counseling? Learn more about her Food & Body, IBS management, and nutrition counseling programs, and book an intro call to see if the program is a good fit, and if we’re a good fit!
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